Another mousepad from my collection : MacOS 08
Well… 29 disks to install if you don’t have CD (not as usual in 1997) 🙂
Check this page on Aventure Apple (french) :

Phil's vintage computer memorabilia
Cool vintage computer collectibles
Another mousepad from my collection : MacOS 08
Well… 29 disks to install if you don’t have CD (not as usual in 1997) 🙂
Check this page on Aventure Apple (french) :
French Apple Expo plastic bag.
CNIT Paris la Défense cira 1990.
I found some interesting stuff on this website: quartdepomme and on “l’aventure Apple” site (very well documented)
Still have my access cards 🙂
Vintage – Apple Computer RAINBOW LOGO Store Bags.
Circa 1990 I think. An Apple computer notepad. (WWDC).
As usual Paper items are fragiles.
Uneasy to find the same logo. Found one here.
One of this day , I’ll publish the developper CD’s (got hundred)
Another rare Apple item. Some paper towels from my developer years at Apple. I’ve got only few left, they are rather fragile of course.
Vintage Apple Computer authorized dealer luminous sign.
(Some more on Pinterest)
Apple boxer underwear
rainbow logo
Must be the highlight of my collection. 🙂
(Rare – never seen elsewhere)
Apple Business school white case